Agriculture Extension Division
Apiary Management Model and Cost Analysis in Taiwan
The apiary production model were based on climate environment, geography, plant scale and difference of operation as well as condition of nectar resources in Taiwan. The beekeeping area could be divided into North, Central & South, and East. there are 67 production and distribution committees, 745 beekeepers are registered in current records. Average age of 52, 57 & 54 respectively. The majority of education background is professional high school, occupied 44.5% of beekeepers .Average number of bee hive is over 200 in Central & South area, which was the highest in the three areas. Average 150 - 200 hive in North & East area. Operating management and self-owned production facility rate was around 95%. The changes of bee population migration and their density were dependent on the pollen resources. The beekeepers moved the bee hive to the flowering area season by season. The income of beekeepers was related to their apiary operation size and as well as their marketing ability.