
Studies on establishment of health management system for major crops in Maioli area


The basic philosophy of crop health management (CHM) is based on integrated management of environment-friendly method to produce safe and good food. The goal of this study is to establishe the system of health management on rice from seedling stage to ripen stage. Firstly, seeds were treated with antagonistic microorganism to disinfect against seedbored diseases at seedling stage or pre-transplanting. Then the amount of seeds in one plate was reduced from 300 g to 230~240 g. At transplanting, modified the plant density as 30*24 cm was recommended while the conventional density was 30*15 cm. The results showed that infection of blast reducing to 12%, 5% reduction in grain yield and eating quality of rice increased by 3% in health management. In conclusion, health management can create ventilation environment by healthy seedlings, wide planting, and appropriate amount of fertilizer, less pesticide application, relative net income can be increased by 4%. The most important thing is to reduce environmental pollution by health crop management as well as a kind of environment-friendly production management.

The most disturbed problem of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) industry in Taiwan is the excessive use of the pesticides. In order to reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, we developed health management operations which were conducted with seedlings bred system, health of soil and fertilizer application, and the pest integrated technology in this study. Crop health management production system would decrease the amounts of fertilizer, pesticide, and cost and increase fruit quality, products safety, and environment safety. That using tissue culture to propagate healthy seedlings and transplanting them in 2 inches pot grew quickly with more roots in seedling of strawberry. Healthy seedlings reduced costs at seedling stage and increase productivity at fruiting stage. The benefit of fertilizer application was compared between reasonable practice and conventional application under traditional field drain method and elevated bench method that was increased 30 NT/kg and 147 NT/kg, respectively. Effect of crop rotation system in strawberry field on disease infection of runner in the next production season was evaluated. The disease infection rate of runners was 20.4% and 40.2% of paddy and upland crop, respectively. It is indicated that paddy crop alternatively planted with strawberry could decreased the occurrence of diseases in the field. For integrated pest management techniques, selection of native strains of Trichoderma ML031, 105 spore/ml concentration can inhibit the occurrence of anthracnose diseases, disease severity is 5.56% of treated by ML031 compared to that of control, 14.24%. Application of natural enemies to control for the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) can reduce 12~16 times of spraying compared with conventional cultivation.

 the difference of leaf blast occurrence of miaoli No.2 seeding under different spacings between chemical treatment, Bacillus subtilis treatment and control groups

 the average perfomance of grain yield and volume weight between health management and customary method in demonstration farmers of miaoli area

field in red or yellow flags , marked the high and low population density of pets in orden to take timely contingency measures