
Utilization of the technique of carbon dioxide on fertilization in fruits and vegetables under the protected cultivation


The experiment of light and soil moisture surveyed in strawbrry. The result showed that the maximum light intensity was 10752 lux, minimum is 0 lux and mean was 1032.66 lux. The maximum temperature of greenhouse was 45.01 ° C, minimum is 25.22 ° C and average was 30.65 ° C. The soil maximum moisture of strawberries (small pots) was 17.52%, minimum is 1.15% and the average is 6.18%. The loss rate of soil moisture was significantly increased due to the light intensity is daytime and then the loss rate of soil moisture was decrease while light intensity is zero at night. The light intensity and the temperature in the greenhouse has

significantly positive correlation. The light intensity increases with temperature increasing.Otherwise, the light intensity decreases with temperature decreasing. The result indicated that soil temperature and light intensity has significantly positive correlation. Part of irregular condition may be affected by irrigation water which led to change of soil temperature.The experiment of soil surface, middle and deep moisture content were detected.The order of containing water ratio of soil was middle, surface and deep soil. The containing water ratio of surface soil was the most of losing water. The water losing of deep soil was no obvious. The surface soil had larger gap so water can flow down quickly. The water rate of middle soil was slow because the soil was dense. The water of deep soil cannot flow. Therefore, the water of deep soil did not lose significantly. HOBO data acquisition recorder and HOBO sunshine / temperature measurement meter