
The research of strawberry seedling anthracnose and nonchemical management


We separated Trichoderma sp. from root with different soil pathogens in Miaoli county. Eighteen isolates were assayed in vitro for antagonism on the fungal pathogen of strawberry diseases, Phytophthora parasitica (Phytophthora fruit rot, ML036), Botrytis cinerea (Graymold rot, ML037), and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Anthracnose fruit rot, ML038), using cellophane paper method. Results showed that the mycelial suppressed rate of Phytophthora parasitica are 84-100%, Botrytis cinerea are 53.8-97%, and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides are 56.8-73.1%. For strawberry seedling anthracnose field test, ML001,  ML031 and ML056 were chosen for biocontrol assay. After six weeks treatment, results showed that the disease rate of ML031 10 5 spore/ml was 5.56%, compared with control, the disease rate was decreased. The preliminary result showed that Trichoderma sp. could inhibit the crown rot of strawberry.

 antagonism of eighteen isolates of trichoderma spp on strawberry pathogens, us cellophane paper test

antagonism of different isolates of trichoderma spp on graymold rot using cellophane paper test