本場地址 :苗栗縣公館鄉館南村261號(位置圖如下);電話:(037)222111 生物防治研究中心地址:苗栗縣大湖鄉民族路42號 ;電話:(037)991025 南投蜂場地址 :南投縣名間鄉中山村水尾巷2之1號 ;電話:(049)2732141 嘉義蜂場地址:嘉義縣新港鄉安和村16鄰番婆14號 ;電話:(05)3772418
1. 自備交通工具: Off the Miaoli-Gongguan Interchange from National Freeway No.1 , take the Tai No. 6 Highway to Gongguan or Dahu, and approximately 3.6 km, to reach then to reach this exhibition.
Take a Hsinchu bus from the Miaoli Railway Station, bus No.5656 or 5657 head for Dahu, or Shitan, then get off at the Guannan bus stop after Gongguan Junior High School, and walk for approximately 60 meters.
3. 搭乘高鐵: 從苗栗高鐵站搭乘101B高鐵接駁車往雪霸國家公園管理處、經過公館國中後在苗栗農改場站下車,位於7-11統一超商前。 From HSR in Miaoli, take a shuttle bus No.101B going to Shei-Pa National Park Administration, then get off at the station after passing Gongguan Junior High School and there is a 7-ELEVEN in front of our gate. |